National University of Singapore/Haruka Hirata (Sept. 1, 2022- Oct. 31, 2022)

Ms. Haruka Hirata, a fourth year undergraduate student at the Osaka University School of Engineering Science, participated in the Engineering Science Programme at NUS from September 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022 in Singapore. Haruka was invited to Professor Ho Ghim Wei's laboratory to do research on the Development of Photocatalyst for Solar Energy Conversion to Hydrogen. What a pleasant surprise it was for her when they threw a farewell party in her honor!

Certificate from NUS (Haruka Hirata).jpg
This is the certificate that was presented to Haruka
Certificate (Haruka, Prof. Ho, Prof. Erik).jpg
Haruka was presented with the certificate for her participation in the Engineering Science Program (from left: Prof. Ho, Haruka, Prof. Birgersson)
The lab threw Haruka a surprise farewell party